Mission Statement
The Massasoit Community College Future of Work Institute creates and strengthens collaborative partnerships that enhance workforce development and economic growth initiatives for businesses and industries in the South Shore region.

The Institute applies research-based practices and inclusive strategies to stay current with evolving trends in the workforce and aims to contribute to the economic development of the Commonwealth by supporting the future of work in the South Shore.

The Institute serves as the “think-tank” space for the College, business, and industry partners to identify targeted strategies that address workforce challenges, trends, and opportunities to build the pipeline for the workforce of tomorrow through:

  • Identifying and Assessing Best Practices:
    • The Institute aims to stay at the forefront of industry demand by researching and adopting best practices regionally and nationally. This ensures that the programs offered by the College are competitive and effective in addressing current and future workforce challenges.
  • Developing Innovative Programs:
    • To meet the dynamic needs of the workforce, the Institute focuses on creating regional industry partnerships and designing initiatives that bridge the gap between education and industry requirements.
  • Serving as an Institutional Liaison:
    • The Institute advances the common goals between the College and external entities. Its function is to ensure that the College’s programs are aligned with the broader strategic goals at the regional, state and national level.

Align investments in workforce, education, and economic development to respond to regional job growth.

  • Conduct research centered around the job index and unemployment rate to monitor economic and workforce trends.
  • Align workforce resources with the needs of the local economy through the development of career pathways.
  • Collect, and analyze labor market information that informs the College of the direction for educational programming.
  • Effect positive social impact in our region by sharing innovative thinking and approaches with the inclusion of diverse voices and expertise.

Carine Sauvignon, Ed.D.
Associate Vice President of The Massasoit Community College Future of Work Institute