Buildings & Grounds
Fire Procedures
What You Should Do
- If you smell or see smoke or fire, activate the nearest fire alarm, if the alarm is not activated automatically.
- Phone the College Police at extension 911 that there is fire.
- Tell the MPD Dispatcher your name.
- Give the MPD Dispatcher the exact location of the fire and any other relevant information you may have concerning the emergency.
- Do not attempt to fight the fire yourself unless you have been trained in the use of firefighting equipment and it is safe to do so.
- Evacuate the building, close doors behind you to contain the fire and proceed to the evacuation rally point. Exit via stairwells only. Do NOT attempt to use elevators.
- Exit quickly and calmly; do not attempt to take anything with you.
- Assist disabled persons or others who may need assistance. If you cannot assist others direct incoming emergency personnel to them.
- Do not let the fire and heavy smoke come between you and an exit.
- If caught in heavy smoke, take short breaths, crouch down or crawl as close to the floor and wall as possible.
- If the fire or smoke keeps you from exiting the building, go to a room far away from the fire, shut the door, open or break a window and signal for help by waving an article of clothing or making loud noises. If possible, try to seal the bottom of the door with an article of clothing (jacket, etc.) to prevent smoke from entering the room.
- Once outside a safe distance from the building, or at a rally area, return to the building only when instructed to do so by the College Police or other emergency responders.
What Will Happen
- MPD will immediately dispatch all available officers to the scene.
- MPD Dispatch will activate the Fire Department, as necessary.
- MPD will establish on-scene command and coordinate all responding agencies to emergency area.
- Once the actual fire or fire alarm is resolved, MPD will give the “all clear” to re-enter the building or give other directions.
- If necessary, the Massasoit emergency alert system will be activated with instructions to stay away from the building that is on fire.
Hazardous Materials Release
What You Should Do
- Report all releases or spills of hazardous materials that you may observe to the Massasoit College Police Department. Massasoit Police Emergency Numbers are:
- 508-427-1296;
- pick-up the nearest emergency blue-light phone, classroom emergency phone, emergency call box or;
- Call 911.
- Tell the MPD Dispatcher your name.
- Tell the MPD Dispatcher the exact location of the spill or release.
- If possible, give the source, character, amount and extent of the material spill/release.
- Notify the MPD Dispatcher if there are any injuries associated with the incident.
- Shut windows, turn off open flames and open hoods in the area, if possible. Do NOT risk your personal safety.
- Stay a safe distance away from the material that has been released or spilled.
- Keep others from entering the area.
- Wait for MPD officers and emergency responders to arrive and direct them to the release/spill area.
What Will Happen.
- MPD will evacuate the area or the building if necessary.
- If the incident is large or cannot be controlled, MPD will activate the Fire Department for assistance, and EMS if necessary.
- If the incident is large or threatens other areas of campus, the Massasoit emergency alert system will be activated with instructions regarding the area of the release.