police emergencies
Active attacker
What You Should Do
If an active attacker is OUTSIDE YOUR BUILDING:
- Go to the closest room that can be locked.
- Once you are in a secure room, close and lock all the doors and windows.
- Turn off lights and get everyone in the room down on the floor so no one is visible from the outside.
- Have someone in the room contact the College Police Immediately.
- 508-427-1296;
- pick-up the nearest emergency blue-light phone, classroom emergency phone, emergency call box or;
- Call 911.
- Tell the MPD Dispatcher quietly what you know about the situation, where you are, how many people are with you, what you are wearing, if there are any known injuries.
- When you are finished talking to the MPD Dispatcher, put the phone on silent/vibrate so the dispatcher can call you back; answer only if you are sure it is safe to do so.
- Remain in place until the police personnel give you further instructions.
- An unknown voice may be the attacker trying to lure you from safety; do not respond to any voice commands unless you can verify it is a police officer. MPP has keys to ALL buildings/Areas on all campuses; they will be able to enter the room without asking you to unlock the door.
If an active attacker is INSIDE YOUR BUILDING:
- Remain calm and follow the steps listed in number 1 above.
- If you cannot find a secure room, look for an exit you can reach safely, moving away from the attacker.
- Do not carry anything so you can move quickly and not be mistaken for the attacker.
- Keep your hands visible for police and do exactly what they tell you to do.
- Do NOT stop to help any injured victims or try to remove them. Leave them where they are and notify police and/or other emergency responders of their location once you have reached a safe location to do so.
- Do not leave the area until you have been cleared to do so by the police personnel.
- If possible, immediately call the College Police emergency line or extension 911.
- If you cannot speak, leave the line open so the dispatcher can hear what is going on.
- If the attacker is giving commands do not resist. Remain calm and comply.
- If there is no opportunity for escape or concealment, a possibility to negotiate may exist.
- An attempt to overpower the attacker may also exist.
What Will Happen:
- MPD will respond IMMEDIATELY to the scene.
- MPD Dispatcher will activate all available agencies, the Fire Department, and EMS.
- The first officers on the scene will enter the building to locate the suspect. Police officers are trained to respond directly to the area where shots were last heard. Their purpose is to stop the shooting as quickly as possible.
- Police officers may be dressed in regular patrol uniforms, or may be wearing tactical uniforms consisting of external bulletproof vests, helmets, boots and dark clothing, depending on the involved agencies.
- Police officers may be carrying a shield and be armed with rifles, shotguns, and/or handguns. They may also use teargas or pepper spray.
- Regardless of how they appear, remain as calm as possible. Do not be afraid of officers and follow their instructions carefully.
- Put down anything you are carrying and keep your hands visible to the police at all times.
- The first officers to arrive will not stop to aid injured persons. Rescue teams of other officers and medical personnel will follow the first officers into secured areas to treat and remove injured persons.
- Continue to follow instructions of police and emergency responders until you are released.
- The Massasoit emergency alert system will be activated immediately when an active attacker incident is confirmed. If you are not in the vicinity of the of shooting scene follow all instructions issued through the various alert systems.
- If you are not in the vicinity of the shooting, and are outside, seek shelter in the nearest building and wait for the “all clear” signal given by police personnel or the College’s Emergency Communications Team. Attackers may continue to move from building to building so remain indoors and aware of any threats.
- Once the incident is over and the threat is neutralized, an “all clear” will be issued through the various college emergency alert systems.
Suspicious Mail / Package
What You Should Do
- Do not handle the letter/package. Do not shake or bump
- Isolate the letter/package and look for indicators of potential hazards. Indicators of potential hazards include:
- No return address & the presence of restrictive markings (e.g. PERSONAL, SPECIAL DELIVERY).
- Excessive postage or post marks from a foreign country.
- Addressed to the employee’s title only (no name); or addressed to the wrong name or title.
- Misspelled words or badly typed or written address.
- Wires protruding from the package.
- Package is lopsided or uneven,
- Package has a strange odor.
- Outside of the package shows evidence of oily stains, discolorations, or crystallization on the wrapper/envelope.
- Excessive taping or string.
- Do not open, smell or taste the package.
- Treat the letter/package as suspect.
- If received on campus contact the Massasoit College Police.
- 508-427-1296;
- pick-up the nearest emergency blue-light phone, classroom emergency phone, emergency call box or;
- Call 911.
- If the parcel is opened and/or a threat is identified, take the following actions immediately:
- For a bomb:
- Evacuate the area where the package was received immediately.
- On campus, call the College Police immediately. See Bomb Threat for further information.
- For a radiological hazard:
- Don’t handle the package and evacuate the area immediately.
- If you have contamination on your hands or person, do not spread the contamination to other areas or persons.
- On campus, call MPD immediately.
- For a biological or chemical hazard:
- Do not handle the package.
- Wash your hands with soap and warm water. Do not spread contamination to other areas or other persons.
- On campus, call MPD immediately.
- For other hazards, such as sharp objects or razor blades:
- Do not handle the package
- On campus, call MPD immediately.
- For a bomb:
What Will Happen.
- MPD will immediately dispatch officers to the scene.
- MPD Dispatch will activate the Fire Department, Specialized Agencies, and EMS, as necessary.
- If necessary, the Massasoit College emergency alert system will be activated with information & instructions pertaining to the emergency.
- MPD will establish on-scene command and coordinate all responding agencies.
- If necessary, an “all clear” message will be issued once the situation has resolved.
Bomb Threat
What You Should Do
- If you receive a bomb threat via phone call, listen carefully and write down everything that is said, starting with the exact time of the call. And the number you are receiving the call from if it is available
- Keep the caller talking as long as possible and ask the following questions:
- When is the bomb going to explode?
- Where is it right now?
- What kind of bomb is it?
- What will cause it to explode?
- Did you place the bomb?
- If yes, why did you place the bomb?
- While on the phone with the bomb threat caller, have someone else nearby call the College Police, if possible. Massasoit Police Emergency Numbers are:
- 508-427-1296;
- pick-up the nearest emergency blue-light phone, classroom emergency phone, emergency call box or;
- Call 911.
- Attempt to determine the following characteristics of the caller and write them down:
- Is the caller male or female?
- Does the caller have an accent?
- Is the caller calm, angry, excited, laughing, or crying?
- Is there background noise (street noise, music, house noises, voices, machines)?
- IMMEDIATELY after the call contact MPD and relay the information received from the threatening caller.
- Give the MPD Dispatcher your name and location.
- Wait for MPD Officers to arrive. Immediately Leave the area if you feel there is an imminent threat.
What Will Happen.
- MPD will IMMEDIATELY dispatch officers to search for the device.
- MPD Dispatch will activate the Specialized Agencies, if necessary.
- Responding officers will instruct building occupants to turn off any electronic devices including cell phones.
- The threatened building(s) will be evacuated if necessary by MPD.
- The Massasoit Community College emergency alert system will be activated with information & instructions to stay away from the affected building.
- An “all clear” message will be issued once the situation has returned to normal.
If a bomb threat is received on the day that an exam is scheduled, the exam will take place the same day even if the location has to be changed.