NC-Interior Design-Additonal
Do you wish you could redesign your living space for the summer? Would you like to feel the great outdoors when you walk into your rooms or into your summer cottage? Whether for personal use or to expand your Interior Design Business, learn the techniques of using color, fabric design, and layout to lighten and lift interiors for the summer season.
Canton | 28904 | $129
Wednesday | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Eileen Avidon
Note: This course is offered online using video conference program (Zoom) at designated days and times listed above. Internet and webcam required.
Whether you are selling your home on your own or working with a Realtor, find out how to prepare a home for sale using up-to-date methods to make the home more appealing to buyers. Industry statistics say homes sell faster when they are professionally staged. In this course, you will learn how to use various techniques including, decluttering, rearranging furniture & accessories and making simple adjustments to make a home more visually appealing to buyers. With these new skills, you could see quicker sales and higher returns.
Canton | 28903 | $129
Wednesday | 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM
Instructor: Eileen Avidon
Note: This course is offered online using video conference program (Zoom) at designated days and times listed above. Internet and webcam required.