Crystal Camp
(l-r) Thomas Carroll, Vice Chair of the Board of Trustees, Crystal Camp, and Dr. Wall 

July 20, 2017 – Dr. Charles Wall, president of Massasoit Community College, is pleased to announce that Abington resident Crystal Camp has been elected student representative to the Massasoit Community College Board of Trustees. Crystal was sworn in on Tuesday, July 11, 2017 in a small ceremony in the President’s Office on the Brockton campus.

A Business Administration Transfer student, Crystal maintains a 3.93 GPA, has twice been named to the Dean’s list, and is a Student Senator.

“Like so many of our students, Crystal came to Massasoit after already progressing within her chosen career field, and returned to school to advance in that field,” said Dr. Wall. “She’s an active participant on campus, and I am sure she will be an able representative for her fellow students. We’re pleased to welcome her to the Board of Trustees.”

Originally from Abington, Crystal graduated from high school in Montana. After time spent living in Colorado and California, she returned home to be close to family. Her educational interests include international marketing and economics.

As Student Trustee, Crystal will represent the students of Massasoit as a full voting member of the Board of Trustees for one year.