Career & Internship Services
Welcome to Career & Internship Services at Massasoit
Thank you for your interest in recruiting Massasoit Community College students for internships and/or job opportunities. If you are an employer that is working with Massasoit Community College for the first time, we welcome you and ask that you please review our recruitment policies and procedures below.
Employers may post full-time, part-time, and internship positions on the college’s job listing database Handshake.
Please contact Jennifer Sanchez Olsen, Coordinator of Career Planning & Placement, at 508-588-9100 X1603 or via email at
Recruitment Policies and Procedures
Massasoit Community College adheres to the National Association of Colleges and Employer’s (NACE) Principles for Professional Practice and requires that all individuals who participate in recruiting activities abide by these standards.
Affirmative Action Statement
Massasoit Community College is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, disability, religion, age, veteran status, genetic information, gender identity or sexual orientation in its programs and activities as required by Title IX of the Educational Amendments of 1972, the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, and other applicable statutes and college policies. The College prohibits sexual harassment, including sexual violence. Inquiries or complaints concerning discrimination, harassment, retaliation or sexual violence shall be referred to Amee Synnott, the Title IX and Compliance Officer, 508-588-9100 1304 Brockton Campus, Student Center, A219, the Massachusetts Commission Against Discrimination, the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission or the United States Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights.If you believe you have been subjected to sexual harassment, you may file a formal complaint with the governmental agencies set forth below. Filing a complaint under this Policy does not prohibit you from filing a complaint with these agencies.
You can read the full Policy on Affirmative Action, Equal Opportunity & Diversity as a PDF.
Third Party Recruiter Services
The National Association for Colleges and Employers (NACE) defines third-party recruiters as: “agencies, organizations, or individuals recruiting candidates for temporary, part-time, or full-time employment opportunities other than for their own needs. This includes entities that refer or recruit for profit or not for profit, and it includes agencies that collect student information to be disclosed to employers for purposes of recruitment and employment.”
Third Party recruiters are welcome to post their internship or job opportunities if they abide by the following guidelines.
- Third-party recruiters who are hiring for positions within their own organization
- Third-party recruiters who are hiring for positions outside of their organization that clearly identify themselves, disclose their client’s name and provide their client’s contact information
- In accordance with the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act, third-party recruiters will not disclose to any employer any student information without obtaining prior written consent from the student. Under no circumstances can student information be disclosed for other than recruiting purposes nor can it be sold or provided to other entities.
- Third party recruiters must not retain any student resumes for future placement unless given written consent by the student.
- Please note: Third party recruiters who charge candidates a fee of any kind are not permitted.
Career & Internship Services reserves the right to exclude any employer from recruiting activities and to edit, delete or refuse any employer profile or internship/job posting at any time.