Nov. 16, 2020 – Massasoit Community College is furthering its commitment to conversations, events, and discussions that raise awareness of social justice topics, which will lay the groundwork for years of building community and inclusivity. Beginning this November, the Massasoit Year of Social Justice encapsulates the work happening across the college towards racial and social justice through education; the 2020-2021 academic year will feature a series of events, including book discussions, speaker series, and panel discussions.

“All of our Year of Social Justice events are designed to make space for conversations, healing, and discovering truths in specialized topic areas,” said Yolanda Dennis, chief diversity officer at Massasoit. “Every member of our campus community has been called upon to either organize a project or encourage others in their efforts, and we’re also supporting local colleges and partnering with organizations to ensure we cover racial and social justice holistically.”

The following events are happening this month:

Native American Cultural Awareness – November 17, 11:00 am – 12:15 pm
Former Director of the Tulsa County Juvenile Bureau Justin Jones will lead a discussion on the landmark ruling from the US Supreme Court on Oklahoma Native Lands, the impact for Oklahoma, and the implications for tribal lands nationwide. The discussion will also cover the local Mashpee Wampanoag tribal land decision.

Native Identity & Protest Art – November 18, 11:00 am – 1:00 pm
Massasoit World Religion Instructor & Registrar Jannie Gilson will lead a discussion on the evolution of Native American identity through early 20th century art and modern protest art. Immediately following this session, guest panelists will hold an open discussion forum to answer questions from the Massasoit community.

Social Justice Forum: Race and Immigrant Rights – November 19, 4:00 pm
Presented by the Multicultural Center at Bristol Community College.

A Conversation with Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum – November 19, 4:30 – 6:00 pm
Bridgewater State University will host a virtual conversation with Dr. Beverly Daniel Tatum, an educational leader, best-selling author, and expert on the psychology of racism. Hosted by the Martin Richard Institute for Social Justice and the College of Education & Health Sciences at Bridgewater State University.

Transgender Day of Remembrance – November 20, 9:30 am
The Transgender Day of Remembrance (TDOR) is an annual event where we celebrate the lives and mourn the deaths of trans people worldwide who have been lost to violence. TDOR is a chance to #SayTheNames of those lost to transphobic violence as well as recommit ourselves to working for a safe and equitable future for all genderdiverse people, in keeping with Massasoit’s mission to create an inclusive environment that ensures equitable treatment for all.

Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault Presentation – November 23, 3:00 – 4:00 pm
Presented by the New Bedford Women’s Center and hosted by the Massasoit Office of Diversity & Inclusion.

Massasoit’s Year of Social Justice is rooted in the college’s commitment to fostering an inclusive community. Over the summer, Massasoit launched Racism & Resistance, an interdisciplinary course that helped learners unpack race relations in American society. The course was offered for free and was open to both current students and members of the community.

Visit for more details on the Year or Social Justice, links to participate in the events, and for contact information if you would like to partner with Massasoit or are planning an event that should be part of our Year of Social Justice calendar.