Picture1Feb. 11, 2019 – Massasoit Community College is pleased to announce the establishment of a scholarship to benefit Brockton High School graduates who are pursuing an associate degree or certificate program at the college. The scholarship was funded through a generous anonymous private donation of $100,000.

“We are deeply grateful to the donor who established this scholarship,” said Dr. Gena Glickman, president of Massasoit Community College. “Too often students take on debt to pursue a higher education. Many students are not deciding where to go to college, but whether to go to college, wondering if they can make it work financially. Through this generous gift, a group of Brockton High graduates will have the chance to pursue an education at Massasoit, the vast majority of their costs covered by the scholarship.”

Students are eligible if they have graduated from Brockton High School with a GPA of 2.8 or higher and have a demonstrated need for financial support as they enter Massasoit. Preference will be given to students who enroll in Massasoit’s career-focused and pre-professional programs.

“The Brockton Public Schools is proud to have strong partnerships with our higher educational institutions, especially Massasoit, with its location in the City of Champions,” said Brockton’s Superintendent of Schools, Kathleen A. Smith, JD. “We are especially grateful for the support in the form of scholarships to our students in STEM and vocational programs who are the ones who will be strengthening our workforce throughout the region.”

“We take great pride in the collaborative, working relationship the City of Brockton and our public school system has with Massasoit Community College,” added Mayor Bill Carpenter. “This scholarship program will incentivize students to consider community college as a viable path for them after high school. We are very thankful for this continued support and encouragement our Brockton students receive to pursue higher education and a career.”

A maximum of $10,000 per academic year will be awarded to eligible students; funds may be used to cover all eligible costs of attendance and is not restricted to tuition alone.