Join a Club!

Clubs may be meeting virtually or in person this semester – consider joining one today. Review the following club listing below; see what interests you and email the club/club advisor for details and meeting times.  If you have an idea to start a new club, please email and we will assist you with the process.

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Student Clubs and Organizations

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BUSINESS & INVESTMENT CLUB: This club is designed to augment the business curriculum though personal and professional development opportunities. Membership is open to all Massasoit students from all majors.
Advisor: TBD

CAPE VERDEAN STUDENT ASSOCIATION: Dedicated to the preservation of Cape Verdean culture and history, this club supports the recruitment effort of Cape Verdeans to Massasoit. The club promotes cultural, political and historical programs that maintain a sense of cultural identity throughout Massasoit Community College.
Advisors: Balbina Cardoso & Maria Monteiro

CREATIVE WRITING: The Creative Writing club offers a space for students to develop, share and discuss their poetry, short fiction, memoirs and more.  Students bring their writing into a public forum, and read and critique each other’s work honestly and fairly. The club also works to promote writing on campus and plan both spoken word open mics and student writing publications.
Advisor: Art Zilleruelo

CULINARY/HOSPITALITY CLUB: This club is made up of Culinary Arts majors, Hospitality Management majors as well as students from the general population interested in food, hospitality and other interrelated topics. This includes developmental food presentations, food and bake sales, food and hospitality related tours, field trips, and providing community services.
Advisors: Paul Weeden x1697 & Donna Wright x1491

FILM CLUB: The Massasoit Film Club is where fans of all genre of movies can come together, watch, and discuss some of cinema’s greatest masterpieces. Open to all students.
Advisor: Pelin T. Kadercan

GAMER’S GUILD: The purpose of this organization is to provide a friendly and safe environment to discuss and play video games.  Meetings are open to all students of Massasoit Community College.
Advisors: Nick DeLuca & Jennifer Sanchez-Olsen

GENDER SEXUALITY ALLIANCE (GSA):  An organization dedicated to spreading awareness, information, and positive self-image across the campus. Our focus is the pursuit of equality for all people who do not identify with heteronormative sexualities and gender presentations. Open dialog within the group about issues affecting our lives is welcomed and encouraged. All students, including but not limited to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, gender-fluid, pansexual, questioning, undefined, and heterosexual, are welcome to meetings and official positions. Meetings provide a safe place for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities to express themselves openly, without fear of judgment or harassment.
Advisors: Christina Bermingham & Robin Peery                                     

HONORS ASSOCIATION: This is an honorary club that promotes and furthers the mission of the Honors Program and provides services and support to its students. The Association shall provide its input to the Honors Program Council.
Advisor: Michael Mezzano x1915

INTERNATIONAL TOUCH CLUB: Open to all students. The purpose of the club is to represent and further the interest of the diverse student body, promoting multicultural understanding, encouraging self-development and pursuing global responsibility and cooperation of the entire college community.
Advisors: Donna LeClair x1484 & Joia Souza Dacaret x1404

MEDIA AXIS CLUB: Open to students interested in television, film, or radio. This is the student run organization supporting the Radio Massasoit internet radio station and the Massasoit streaming video channel. The club provides opportunities to learn about and create digital media as well as participate in productions.
Advisors: Darlene Mendoza x1983, Mark Rocheteau x1982, & Robert Bowers x1906

MOMENT OF TRUTH PRAYER CLUB: The goal of this organization is to provide prayer, bible study, group discussions, and workshops all based on biblical principles. Students and staff are invited to become active members of the club.
Advisor: Glen Prospere

NURSES CLUB: Open to all nursing majors. The purpose is to encourage peer support, plan class projects, and act as liaison between students and faculty.Advisors:
First Year: Tricia Willis x1466 pwillis6@massasoit.mass.eduSecond Year: Eileen Comeau x1737

PERFORMIX: Open to all students interested in the performing arts including theatre, dance, music, step, rap, slam and artistic sign language.
Advisors: Corinne Mason x1065 & Mark Rocheteau x1982

PHI THETA KAPPA: Officially known as the International Honor Society of the two-year college.  Students must have at least a 3.3 cumulative average and have completed at least 12 credits in a degree program.
Advisors: Sawsan Zahara & Paul Chiano

POSITIVELY MASSASOIT: Positively Massasoit is a club designed to promote socialization and friendship through positive activities on campus. Students gather to play board games and/or engage in activities that will contribute to an atmosphere of positive connections on campus, i.e. create peace flags, promote Acts of Kindness, make blankets to donate to a shelter, etc. Open to all students.
Advisor: Kelly Tonini

PSI BETA HONORS SOCIETY: Psi Beta is a national honor society for students attending two-year colleges, inviting students who plan to major or minor in psychology, as well as students who simply have an interest in psychology. Psi Beta’s mission is to encourage professional development and psychological literacy of students by promoting and recognizing excellence in scholarship, leadership, research, and community service.
Advisor: Davis Mertz

RADIOLOGIC TECHNOLOGY: Designed for students enrolled in the Radiologic Technology Program.
Advisors: First Year: Anthony Kapadoukakis x1784
Second Year: Cheryl Burke X1764

RESPIRATORY CARE CLUB: For those students already enrolled in the Respiratory Therapy Program.
Advisors: First Year-Martha Desilva x1787 Second Year Students-Denise Logan x1736

STUDENT SENATE: The Student Senate is the Student Government Association at Massasoit Community College. They serve as a liaison between the student body and the college administration, participating in planning and decision-making processes to improve the college experience for all students. They also oversee student clubs and organizations, including the annual review of club applications and the allocation of funds to support the missions of established clubs and organizations. Senators are also very involved members of the college community, planning and attending student activities and events, and participating in community service projects.
Advisors: Judy Franciosi x1480

VETERANS AND SERVICEMEMBERS CLUB: The purpose of the Veterans Club is to provide MCC Veterans with the opportunity to network among themselves and to promote good citizenship and patriotism on and off our college campus. The objectives of this organization are to create a network of citizen soldiers that provide support and opportunities for personal growth that extends beyond the classrooms and college setting. The organization will host patriotic events that support national and state remembrances such as Veterans Day, Flag Day and Memorial Day.
Advisor: Brian Schilling x1063

ARCHITECTURAL CLUB. The Architectural Club promotes excellence in architectural education by providing camaraderie, networking, and interchange of expression pertaining to architecture, techniques, and technology. The Club coordinates fundraising, meetings, field trips to architectural exhibits and lectures. Membership is open to all students with an interest in Architecture or Engineering
Advisor: Robyn Parker x2528

ARTISTS UNION: Open to all students currently enrolled in the college who share an interest in Art & Design. Activities include field trips, visiting artist lectures and demonstrations, and informal social meetings.
Advisor: Robert Priest x2902 

DENTAL ASSISTANT CLUB: Participation in the Dental Assistant Club is limited to those currently enrolled in the Dental Assisting Program. The purpose of this club is to promote and sponsor activities and events that encourage a career in this field. Membership will encourage and provide a liaison with professional associations; attendance at dental meetings, the Yankee Dental Congress; field trips; and lastly, community service projects for dental health education.
Advisor: TBD

GAMER’S GUILD: The purpose of this organization is to provide a friendly and safe environment to discuss and play video games.  Meetings are open to all students of Massasoit Community College.
Advisors: Nick DeLuca & Jennifer Sanchez-Olsen

GENDER SEXUALITY ALLIANCE (GSA): An organization dedicated to spreading awareness, information, and positive self-image across the campus. Our focus is the pursuit of equality for all people who do not identify with heteronormative sexualities and gender presentations. Open dialog within the group about issues affecting our lives is welcomed and encouraged. All students, including but not limited to lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, intersex, asexual, gender-fluid, pansexual, questioning, undefined, and heterosexual, are welcome to meetings and official positions. Meetings provide a safe place for people of all sexual orientations and gender identities to express themselves openly, without fear of judgment or harassment.

PHI THETA KAPPA:  Officially known as the International Honor Society for community and junior colleges. Students must have at least a 3.3 cumulative average and have completed a minimum 12 credits in a degree program at Massasoit.
Advisors: Sawsan Zahara & Paul Chiano

STUDENT SENATE: The Student Senate is the Student Government Association at Massasoit Community College. They serve as a liaison between the student body and the college administration, participating in planning and decision-making processes to improve the college experience for all students. They also oversee student clubs and organizations, including the annual review of club applications and the allocation of funds to support the missions of established clubs and organizations. Senators are also very involved members of the college community, planning and attending student activities and events, and participating in community service projects.
Advisors: Judy Franciosi x1480

VET TECH SOCIETY: This club is for students currently enrolled in the Veterinary Technology program. The purpose of this club is to acquaint students with the veterinary medical profession; promote interest in the diverse field of veterinary medicine; create a sense of unity and friendship among members; encourage scholarship, service, and community awareness; and serve as a means of communication between first- and second-year students.
Advisor: Jean Higginson x2004