Nurse Education Standards
C.P.R. Certification
All students admitted to and enrolled in the Nurse Education Program must submit verification of and maintain current Health Care Provider CPR Credentialing throughout the program. This must be verified as the credentialing expires. Students may contact the Nursing Office for facilities offering the required CPR course.
Drug Testing
Some clinical agencies may require drug testing for students assigned to those clinical agencies.
Agency Health Requirements
Students are mandated to abide by clinical agency screening and immunization requirements.
Disability Statement
Students with disabilities who believe that they may need accommodations in the classroom are encouraged to contact a disability counselor as soon as possible. Students with learning disabilities should contact Andrea Henry, at extension 1805. Students with physical disabilities should contact Mary Berg, at extension 1425.
In compliance with the Americans with Disability Act of 1990 and the CH504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, the college offers accommodations to students with documented disabilities. Students need to make an appointment with the Access and Disability Resources Office at the college as soon as possible.
Brockton Campus – 508-588-9100 x1805 or x1425
Canton Campus – 508-588-9100 x2132