Medical Emergencies
Medical Emergency
What You Should Do
- If you are injured or encounter someone who is injured, immediately contact the College Police.
- 508-427-1296;
- pick-up the nearest emergency blue-light phone, classroom emergency phone, emergency call box or;
- Call 911.
- Give the MPD Dispatcher your name.
- Give the MPD Dispatcher your exact location and any information you have regarding the injury.
- Stay with the injured person until police officers arrive.
- DO NOT attempt to render first aid or medical care unless you are trained to do so.
- Remain calm and tell the injured person (even if they appear to be unconscious) that help is on the way.
What Will Happen:
- MPD will immediately dispatch officers to the scene.
- MPD Dispatch will notify the Fire Department and EMS.
- MPD will establish command and coordinate all responding agencies.