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ECED101 – Positive Guidance
The major purposes of this course are the following:
- To develop a foundation for developmentally appropriate child guidance in order to effectively
manage the behaviors of individual children in specific situations - To identify adult styles of care giving and the processes used by adults to influence children in
to evaluate your own style of care giving - To determine how the physical environment effects children's behavior by examining an early
childhood setting and using the findings to modify existing and future classrooms - To develop effective techniques for helping children acquire the skills and attitudes needed in
community life by utilizing the "Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences" - To apply positive discipline strategies to real life situations by analyzing case studies of children's
behavior - To identify the causes of anger and aggression in children in order to cope with these behaviors when
encountered in life and on the job - To trace the roots and development of self-esteem in children in order to nurture positive self-esteem
and pro-- social behavior - To promote positive interactions both between staff and children and among children by using the
"Early Childhood Program Standards for Three- and Four-Year Old’s" - To stimulate class discussion of the impact of family, school, community and culture on children's
ECED102- Development in Early Childhood
- To understand and describe the stages of physical, cognitive, and social emotional development from
pre-natal to 8 years of age in order to have appropriate and reasonable expectations of children in early
childhood settings. - Explain and compare a range of theories on child growth and development.
- To understand and plan for the psychological differences in the child in order to provide a safe,
nurturing environment in which each child’s needs are met - To explore and plan the developmental task of a child in all areas of development in order to provide
developmentally appropriate activities to foster growth and a sense of accomplishment. - To develop approaches and techniques in working with young children in order to be responsive to
their developmental level and encourage exploration and discovery - To understand the cultural, economic, political, psychodynamic, and historical influences and contexts
in early childhood development - To recognize and plan for the child’s individual differences in order to measure and nurture each
child’s skills and progress. - To understand the work and learning of a child’s play in order to provide meaningful play activities
as a major vehicle for learning about his/her world .
ECED105- Introduction to Early Childhood Education
- To examine how the historical events in Early Childhood Education relate to the present, in order to
provide a quality programming for young children. - Explain the roles and responsibilities of early childhood professionals in creating safe, healthy,
nurturing, and inclusive learning environments for children and their families. - Identify the key practical, ethical, and legal considerations in supporting young children with special
learning needs. - To recognize widely held theories of growth and learning in order to best meet the needs of the
ECED111- Early Childhood Curriculum: A Multicultural Perspectiv
- Design developmentally appropriate, standards-based curriculum that promotes young children’s
learning and development across domains. - To promote play experiences, materials and spaces that encourage individual growth and
opportunities for group learning. - To implement the “Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences” in order to plan and evaluate
curriculum for the group and individual children - To develop effective techniques for designing and implementing developmentally appropriate
lesson plans in the areas of language, math, science, creative art, music/movement, and
nutrition/safety by utilizing the “Guidelines for Preschool Learning Experiences” - Use a range of strategies, such as reflective practice, family engagement, and data analysis, to
improve and adapt curriculum. - Explain the teacher's role in planning, implementing, and evaluating both teacher-directed and
child-directed activities and environments.
ECED112- Health, Nutrition and Safety Needs of the Young Child
- To understand the interrelationship of health, safety and nutrition in order to promote each child's
optimal growth and development - To use health assessment tools to identify health conditions in order to provide a thorough model for
making social service referrals - To design a healthy and safe early education settings to protect children
- To realize the role of a mandated reporter by effectively understanding, identifying and reporting
cases of child abuse and neglect - To identify and understand the spread of contagions in order to stop the infectious process through
effective control - To comprehend how nutrition effects normal growth patterns by examining basic nutrition concepts
ECED150 – Child Development Associate (CDA)
- To understand the process of the CDA National Credentialing System for early
childhood educators - To understand and create written reflections associated with CDA competency
standards - To create child menus according to developmentally, and culturally appropriate
practices - To involve families in the program, including distribution of family questionnaires
- To develop and incorporate a professional philosophy statement to be included in
the Professional Portfolio - To develop a family resource guide with useful information for families
- To understand the importance of community resources, what they offer, and how
to access - To value and understand the importance of professionalism and ethical practices
in early childhood
ECED201 – Administration Supervision and Management of Early Childhood Programs
- To understand the importance of developing and implementing a philosophy toward Early Childhood
Education in order to guide decision making - To understand the role of teacher, lead teacher and director in an early childhood setting in order to
develop professionally - To explore the laws and regulations governing early childhood in Massachusetts in order to provide a
safe and healthy environment - To develop a systemized approach to record keeping and reports in order to run a successful early
childhood program - To understand the administrative and organizational structure of a n early childhood program in
order to comply with the regulations of the Massachusetts Department of Early Education and Care - To provide a basic introduction to the process of hiring effective and creative teaching staff in order
to provide developmentally appropriate practice - To understand the importance of the NAEYC code of ethics in order to offer a quality program
ECED211 – Early Childhood Policies and Issues
- To explore the early history of the early education movement in order to understand the
present early childhood system. - To examine the role of early education in order to provide the best possible educational
outcomes for young children - To identify the laws and regulations governing early childhood in Massachusetts in order to offer a
program that meets necessary state requirements. - To recognize and respond to the various social trends as they relate to early childhood in order
to adequately support children and families.
ECED217 – The Young Child With Special Needs
- To become familiar with the range of disabilities and conditions, characteristics, and risk factors affecting children to be prepared in meeting the needs of children and families.
- To recognize diversity in families to understand the importance of family influence, home language and culture in the development of trusting relationships with families.
ECED231 – Infant and Toddler Curriculum
- To demonstrate infant and toddler teaching strategies to strengthen the overall development of the
young child. - To examine procedures in observing and recording and infant/ toddler activity to determine how to best
meet the needs of the child. - To identify experiences that affect the emotional wellbeing of the young child in order to enhance
positive self-esteem. - To identify the EEC regulations that influence the set---up and running of an infant/toddler center in
order to provide a quality program. - To recognize and be able to respond to separation anxiety in order to assist the parent and child to cope
with this difficult process. - To discuss the process of attachment in order to assist the child in developing trusting relationships
ECED280 – Practicum I in Early Childhood Education
- To gain practical experience working with young children in order to become an
effective teacher - To develop techniques for dealing with specific learning situations in an early childhood
setting in order to meet the individual and group needs of the children
ECED285 – Seminar I in Early Childhood Education
- To provide students with an opportunity for discussion of practicum experiences to reflect
on the use of appropriate practices - To discuss various social and economic trends as they relate to early childhood to meet the
diverse needs of the community
ECED290 – Practicum II in Early Childhood Education and Administration
- To strengthen teacher competencies by assuming increased responsibilities required for lead
teacher certification - To work under the supervision of a director, assistant director or lead teacher in order to gain
practical experience in management and supervision of an early childhood program. • To
develop techniques for dealing with specific management tasks in order to effectively
administer an early childhood program. - To understand the regulations that govern group early childhood programs in order to assume a
professional role in the field - To gain understanding of the importance of community support and interaction in order to
ECED295 – Seminar II in Early Childhood Education and Administration
- To provide students with an opportunity for discussion of practicum experiences to reflect on the use of appropriate practices in teaching and directing a program
- To understand the role of an administrator in an early childhood setting to meet EEC requirements
- To discuss the various social and economic trends as they relate to early childhood to