Offered in partnership with Massachusetts Water Works Association
Approved for 30 TCHs

About Our Program

This 38.5 – hour, State-approved course offered in partnership with the Massachusetts Water Works Association, is designed to provide the student with the advanced concepts of drinking water treatment operations. Operator will be equipped with ability to control process, not just basic understanding (e.g. being able to answer the “why” or “why not” questions). Emphasis will be on filtration and reporting.

Advanced topics include:

  • potable water sources and use, treatment technologies, laboratory, and administration will be covered.
  • Through a combination of lecture and group discussion, each distribution system task and/or maintenance technique will be reviewed and then discussed in depth.

Who should take this course?

  • Students must possess a Grade 2 T (full or OIT) license or have successfully completed a Basic Treatment course.
  • Any individual seeking a new career in the drinking water distribution field, who has a HiSET/GED or high school diploma and who enjoys hands-on work, problem-solving, and mechanical tasks.

Did you know?

As of January 2012, in order to sit for the State drinking water exams, the Massachusetts Board of Certification of Operators of Drinking Water Supply Facilities established new training requirements.

  • To sit for D2, D3, D4 exams, individuals must take the Concepts and Practices of Drinking Water Distribution course.
  • To sit for T2, you need to complete Basic Treatment course.
  • To sit for T3 & T4, you need to complete Advanced Treatment.

Certificate of Completion

Massasoit Community College and the Massachusetts Water Works Association will co-sign a State-approved Certificate of Completion upon successful completion of this course.  To pass this course, you must attend 8 out of the 10 sessions, plus gain a minimum of 70 points, which is achieved through a combination of homework, mid-term, and final exam grades.

Is your employer paying for this course?  If so please call 508-588-9100 x1322

Massachusetts Water Works Association is an organization dedicated to the advancement of the drinking water profession. More information about careers in drinking water.

  • Not Financial Aid Eligible

Withdrawal and Refund Information

You must complete and submit in person a withdrawal form, which is available at any of our locations. Withdrawals before the start of the first class are granted a 100% refund. Withdrawals after the first class are refunded 0–50% depending on the length of the course.

Certain courses may be cancelled due to low registration. Enrolled students will be notified as soon as cancellation decisions are made. A full refund will be provided to students who have enrolled in a class that has been cancelled by Massasoit Community College.

Parking Decals

There are designated parking lots available for students; however, a parking decal is required. If you do not have a decal, visit the Massasoit campus police with your driver’s license, car registration and proof of course registration to complete a form and obtain your decal.