Massasoit Police
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Massasoit Police Department, a vibrant and diverse department with a rich history and an exciting future. Through collaborative problem solving with our Massasoit community and in pursuit of public safety, the Massasoit Police Department endeavors to keep our community safe and secure. Our tradition of Community Policing means that we listen to your concerns and answer your questions. We seek out long-term solutions to a wide range of challenges. Our staff is well trained, well equipped and committed to serving our community. A safe College can only be achieved with the cooperation of the entire College community including faculty, staff, students, and visitors. Personal safety is a personal responsibility and it involves everyone. By working together we can make Massasoit Community College a safe and peaceful place to learn, work and visit.
The Brockton Campus Police Station is located in the lower level of the Student Center Building, Room #145, and at the Canton Campus Police Station, in Room #202. You may reach us off campus at 508-427-1296 or from any internal telephone, call Ext. 1041 on the Brockton Campus and Ext. 2142 on the Canton Campus.
During an emergency, please dial 911 from any campus telephone. We are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.
Chief Christopher Cummings
- Assistant to the Chief of Police
Linda Berolini - Senior Command
Deputy Chief of Police
Corrine Mahase
Obiajunwa Onujiogu - Patrol Supervisors
Sergeant Robert Skahan
Sergeant Christopher Trucchi
Sergeant Henrique Araujo - Detective
Detective Christopher O’Sullivan
Detective Christopher Bowlen - Patrol Officers
Officer Peter Mayhew
Officer Dylan Noone - Community Engagement Officers
Officer James Briggs
Officer Irina Deane-Costa - Institutional Security Officers
Robert Coppage
Dispatch Logs
Logs are updated monthly and are in the PDF format.
Crime Statistics
The reports and statistics linked below correspond to each of the Massasoit Campuses, and provide statistics of all reported crimes that occurred on-campus, in certain off-campus buildings, property owned or controlled by Massasoit Community College, and public property within or immediately adjacent to and accessible from each respective campus. These reports are provided by the Massasoit Community College Police Department as required by the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act (Clery Act), codified as 20 U.S.C.§1092(f) in 1989.
The purpose of the reports is to provide information about security on campus to include: campus and community crime statistics, policy information, safety tips, resource phone numbers, and a brief overview of the many services that Massasoit provides. Keep this information where it can be easily located; it serves as a useful reference source of information.
To request a printed copy of any campus report, please call 508-588-9100 extension 1041. As per federal requirements, Campus Security Reports are published on or before the first of October for the preceding calendar year.
- 2024 Annual Reports (PDFs open in new tab)