Academic Honesty
In accepting admission to Massasoit Community College, students also accept the responsibility for maintaining high standards of academic integrity and scholarly practice. Plagiarism – using another person’s words or ideas without acknowledgement – is strictly forbidden. This means that dependence on the ideas or language of others in a student’s oral, written, technical and artistic work must be properly acknowledged and documented. Information on documentation is contained in most writing handbooks and is generally covered by an instructor in one of a student’s composition courses.
Academic dishonesty also includes but is not limited to a student’s giving or receiving aid during examinations or in completing laboratory assignments, computer programs, or other work assigned in courses, unless given explicit permission by the instructor.
It is the responsibility of the individual instructor to enforce this policy. If an infraction should occur, an instructor may take action which reflects the seriousness of the infraction, and could range from an informal verbal warning to, but not beyond, the issuance of a grade of F for the course.
In addition to action taken relative to the specific course, the course instructor may bring any matter related to academic honesty to the Assistant/Associate Dean, who may bring the matter to the Vice President of Faculty and Instruction for consideration of further disciplinary action.
The student’s right to due process is guaranteed in any disciplinary action involving faculty members and the administration. If a student has a complaint or a grievance he/she should contact the Dean of Student Services. The Student Grievance Procedure is contained in the Student Handbook which are available in the Student Life Office and the Office of the Assistant Dean of Student Services. The procedure outlines the necessary steps a student must follow to file a grievance.