One of the goals of the Gateway to College program is to help students have a successful educational experience. In order to do this, regular daily attendance is necessary. We do not want irregular attendance to interfere with educational progress and success.

Therefore, as indicated on the sign-in/sign-out sheet in the Gateway to College offices, and/or as reported by professors, the following policy will be enforced:

Accelerated Semesters (5 or 7 weeks long):

  • More than 2 absences, student will be advised to withdraw from the course Full Semesters (15 weeks long):
  • More than 6 absences in classes that meet 3 times a week, student will be advised to withdraw from the course
  • More than 4 absences in classes that meet 2 times a week, student will be advised to withdraw from the course

Self-paced Math Classes (ALEKS):

On the first day of class, students will be given a temporary ALEKS code that is good for two weeks. In that two week period, students must remain in good academic standing to earn another ALEKS code and complete the class.  To earn the code, students MUST:

  1. Meet with the professor for at least one tutoring session outside of
  2. Complete two modules/tests by end of second
  3. Maintain minimum attendance requirement—no more than 3 hours absent*

**Please note: students can make up hours to decrease absences in this class**

In addition to time spent in class, students are also required to work on the course in their own time for a designated number of hours for each module, which is carefully monitored by the professor teaching the course. At the end of the second week, the professor will deem whether a student has earned a new code by taking into consideration all of the above criteria. If the student HAS NOT met all of the above criteria to earn an ALEKS code, s/he will have the opportunity to purchase the code for the reduced price of $40 and continue in the class.

**Please Note: How poor attendance may affect you**

  • Failing a course may suspend enrollment status
  • Exceeding the maximum allowable absences in two or more classes in the same semester is grounds for termination from the program
  • One failed course may result in a failed course fee of $250, students taking a reduced course load the following semester, and extending the potential graduation date
  • More than one F in the same semester may result in termination

Balbina Cardoso tracks attendance—contact information:

Email:      Telephone: 508-588-9100 x1663


Updated 8/23/2016