Annual Fund
Your support is highly valued by the students and the entire college community. Please join other alumni, faculty, staff, and friends in making a contribution to the Massasoit Community College Annual Fund. Past donations have helped the college to better serve the community in many ways including the following:
- The United Student Fund has helped over 175 eligible students to stay in school by providing assistance for much needed text books and mandatory health insurance.
- General Scholarships provide much needed help in many areas of the college to qualified students.
- Area of Greatest Need is used by the College where the greatest need is determined in any given year.
We hope you will consider a gift of $100.00 or more to help support our efforts. Please feel free to restrict it to any of the areas discussed above or indicate the area you would like your gift directed to in the “Other” section. Every contribution, of any size, to the Annual Fund is very important.
You Can Make a Difference!