Follow these simple steps for a successful enrollment at Massasoit

 1. Apply for Admission | 508-588-9100 X1411 |
Submit the following official documents electronically via email to the Admissions Office:

  • Official final high school or state-approved high school equivalency transcript
  • Official college (via Clearinghouse or Parchment) and/or military joint services transcript(s), if applicable

 2. Apply for Financial Aid | 508-588-9100 X1479 |
FAFSA School Code: 002177

You must be admitted to a degree or eligible certificate program to qualify for financial aid, including the free community college programs MassEducate and MassReconnect.

  • Complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).
    • If you are ineligible for the FAFSA due to citizenship status, you may complete the Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MASFA) if you qualify under the Massachusetts Tuition Equity Law. Students enrolling in credit courses at Massasoit under this pathway must complete the Tuition Equity Eligibility Form and Affidavit for High School Completers. Students who enroll at Massasoit while still in high school must complete the Alternative Tuition Equity Eligibility Form and Affidavit.
  • Priority Deadlines:
    • Fall semester: July 1
    • Spring semester: November 15

Need help with FAFSA? Register for a workshop.

 3. Complete Course Placement
508-588-9100 X1991 |
Massasoit offers two ways to complete course placement:
Multiple Measures: In many cases, you can place into college-level English and Mathematics based on your high school GPA, SAT scores, ACT scores or previous college-level courses. Visit to see if you meet the criteria for placement and to learn how to submit documentation for review.

College Placement Test: If you do not meet the multiple measures criteria, or if you would prefer to change your placement, you can schedule an appointment to complete the Accuplacer exam. To schedule your exam, please visit

 4. Submit Immunization Records
508-588-9100 X1495 |

General Immunizations: Massachusetts requires all full-time students (those taking 12 credit hours or more) under the age of 30 and all students on a visa provide proof of immunization for measles, mumps, rubella; tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis (tdap); hepatitis B; varicella; and the meningococcal vaccine.

Completed immunization documents can be confidentially uploaded to the Dean of Students Office via Secure Document Upload. To download and complete the Immunization Form visit the Dean of Students page and select the, Health and Wellness drop-down, Immunization Upload button. Documents may also be mailed to:

Health & Wellness Coordinator
Massasoit Community College
1 Massasoit Blvd
Brockton, MA 02302

 5. Activate Your MyMassasoit Portal
508-588-9100 X1139 |

MyMassasoit is the online student portal for the college. Through MyMassasoit, you can register for courses, access your online course spaces in Canvas including New Student Orientation, view your schedule, grades, and bill, check your financial aid status, make payments, and more. Follow these steps to activate your MyMassasoit account:

  • Go to
  • If you have never logged into MyMassasoit, or have previously attended Massasoit but have not logged in within the past two years, you should click on the First Time Users link and follow the on-screen instructions to set up your account. You will need your Student ID Number, found at the bottom of your admission
  • For login issues, contact the Help Desk at or call the number listed above.

 6. Complete New Student Orientation |

Students admitted into a degree or certificate program are required to complete New Student Orientation (NSO). To receive your invite via email to NSO, you must have your course placement completed (see step 3 above). The NSO program consists of two parts:

NSO: This self-paced online course is your introduction to the college community.

Student Advising and Registration Sessions (S.T.A.R.S.): At the end of NSO you will be directed to register for S.T.A.R.S. In this Zoom session you will learn about the academic advising program and meet one-on-one with an academic advisor to review your career and educational goals and select and register for your courses.

 7. Pay for College | 508-588-9100 X1507|

Log into MyMassasoit to view your tuition bill, your financial aid award, make a payment, set up a payment plan and waive your health insurance. If you are participating in the free community college programs, MassEducate or MassReconnect, please confirm that your Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) or Massachusetts Application for State Financial Aid (MAFSA) has been completed and you meet the eligibility requirements shown on free/.

  • Health Insurance: If you are a degree or certificate – seeking student enrolled in at least nine credits, you are required to either enroll in the Student Health Insurance Program (SHIP) or provide proof of comparable coverage. This requirement applies to all students, including those enrolled under Free Community College programs. You can waive the insurance premium on your bill by completing a Health Insurance Waiver.