Massasoit Community College utilizes several different processes for student appeals. The information on this page is meant to guide individuals seeking to submit an appeal.

If you have any questions about which appeal you should submit, please contact the Dean of Students Office at 508-588-9100 x1402 or at

Appeal forms may be accessed by anyone through the following links:

  • Late Withdrawal and/or Tuition Appeal
    Students who cannot complete a course or the semester due to extenuating circumstances, may request a late withdrawal and/or tuition appeal. Appeals are accepted for the following circumstances: medical issue, death or illness of a family member, emergency housing, or a required change in work schedule. Supporting documentation is required.
  • Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Appeal
    Federal and state regulations require that students receiving financial aid make satisfactory academic progress (SAP) toward their degree or certificate. Students that do not meet these requirements are placed on Financial Aid Suspension, and are ineligible to receive financial aid, including federal loans. Students who can demonstrate that significant, document-able extenuating circumstances (i.e., serious personal health issues, death in immediate family, etc.) prevented them from meeting minimum SAP standards have the right to appeal. Full policy, appeal procedure and appeal deadlines
  • Academic Deficiency
    Submit this form if you are considered to be in Academic Deficiency because your semester’s GPA is below 2.25 and your cumulative GPA is below that required for Good Standing. As a result, your status has changed to “Non Degree.” While you remain in non-degree status, you are ineligible to receive any financial aid funds. For those students who plan to attend in the upcoming semester, payment plan options are available. Complete this form to appeal this decision.
  • Academic Forgiveness
    Academic forgiveness provides a second chance for students who had an unsuccessful start in an academic degree or certificate program in the past. It provides an opportunity for students who have demonstrated academic success in at least 12 credits during one or two semesters to have failing grades removed from their grade point average (GPA) while retaining credit for grades of C- or higher.
  • Student Conduct Appeal
    Student Conduct Appeals are available for students who have participated in the formal student conduct process and have exhausted all other procedural options (both the Administrative Resolution and Judicial Board Hearing). Appeals are available only if: (1) the hearing was not conducted in conformity with the Code of Conduct; (2) the decision was not supported by a preponderance of the evidence presented; (3) the sanction imposed was not appropriate in light of the Judicial Board’s decision; or (4) new evidence exists, which was not presented because it was not reasonable known to the Accused student at that time, and which is sufficiently relevant such that it could alter the Judicial Board’s decision.
  • Student Feedback Form
    Students can use this form to share feedback about their experience at Massasoit Community College.
  • Grade Appeal Request Form
    The Grade Appeal process is available to students who believe their final grade in a course is the subject of an a) error and/or b) injustice. Prior to submitting a formal appeal, student must attempt to informally resolve the alleged issue with their faculty member. Formal appeals must be submitted within fifty (50) calendar days following the last day of the course’s instructional period. Students must consult with the college’s Grade Appeals Officer before submitting a formal appeal. The college’s Grade Appeal Officer, Associate Dean Joe Harris, can be reached by email at or at 508-588-9100 x1137.
  • Course Substitution Appeal (PDF)
    This form may be used when a student seeks a course substitution in their program. Appeals Process & Purpose (PDF)