Recent Happenings with the Transformation through Renovation Project

And it begins…
After 2+ years since the Governor’s Office announced that the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance (DCAMM) awarded Massasoit Community College $30M to support the renovation of two buildings on the Brockton Campus for Science, Nursing, and Allied Health, the College is excited to share that selective demolition has begun in the Liberal Arts Building. (8/29/2024)


Steering Committee – Policy & Decision Making

President Bill Mitchell; Vice President Margaret Gazzara Hess; Vice President Bill O’Neill; Vice President Gail Gibson Sheffield

Programming Team

To define in detail space requirements to meet current & future programmatic needs.
David Auperin; Michael Bankson; Doreen Callaghan; Susan Clover; Kevin Doten; Ana Estabrooks; Rachel Franciosi; Richard Hadley; William Hanna; Eve Jankey; David Johanson; Denise Logan; Marie McDonnell; Melany McFadden; Bill O’Neill; Catherine Powers-Ozyurt; Andrew Oguma; Jennifer Pike; Katie Ruggieri; Jesse Schreier; Amee Synnott; Andrea Torres; Kendra Twomey

Logistics Team

To identify and recommend swing space and the construction process.
Angelina Avedano; Ruben Barato; Paul Chiano; Richard Hadley; Jen Holbrook; Rita Jones-Hyde; Jeffrey Mei; Michael Mezzano; Bill Morrison; Bill O’Neill; Kim Sylvia; Christofer Volz

Information Technology Team

To provide project teams with technical expertise related to Information Technology.
Jackie Barrett; Patrick Mauretti; Bill Morrison

Communications Team

To provide periodic updates to the college community on the status of the project.
Jen Holbrook; Amity Kelley; Lloyd King; Bill Morrison; Alex Villanueva

Advancement Team

To build a capital campaign to support the philanthropic source of funding.
Michell Badger; Alex Villanueva


Project TasksDatesApproximate Months
Project Prep/Scope ConfirmationJuly 2022 – August 20222 – Completed
Select Architectural Firm (DSB)September 2022 – November 20223 – Completed
Study, Schematic DesignDecember 2022 – December 202312 – In Process
DCAMM Certification of StudyDecember 20231
Detailed Design/Construction DocumentsJanuary 2024 – December 202412
BiddingOctober 2024 – February 20255
Construction – Liberal Arts to New Science RenovationFebruary 2025 – June 202616
Construction – Science to New Nursing & Allied HealthJune 2026 – June 202712
Approx. Total Months63


April 13, 2022 – Massasoit Community College announced as a recipient by Governor Baker in the latest round of Higher Education Capital Grants.

June 28, 2022 – President DiPasquale charges Project Teams that will work collaboratively with faculty and staff on key capacities.

August 3, 2022 – Designer Selection Board chooses Jones Architecture for architectural & engineering services.

October 25, 2022 – Start-Up Workshop held with DCAMM, Jones Architecture/Studio Luz, Design Consultants, Massasoit Project Teams

November 7, 2022 – Project Planning Meetings (Review of 2019 Readiness Report and Inclusive Design)

November 14, 2022 – Science, Math, Nursing, and Allied Health Programming Meetings and Building Walkthroughs (#1)

December 7 & 9, 2022 – Science, Math, Nursing, and Allied Health Programming Meetings (#2)

January 17 & 18, 2023 – Faculty and Staff Local College Site Visits for Recently Renovated Science, Nursing, & Allied Health Spaces

January 24, 2023 – Science, Math, Nursing, and Allied Health Programming Meetings (#3)

March 8 & 9, 2023 – Campus Community Engagement Session #1 & Project Update for Massasoit Project Teams presented by DCAMM, Jones Architecture/Studio Luz, Design Consultants

March 30, 2023 – Respiratory, Science & Math Programming Meeting (#4)

April 18 & 27, 2023 – Nursing Programming Meetings (#4)

June 14, 2023 – Existing Furniture & Systems Walkthrough with Design Team, DCAMM, BVH, Science, Nursing, and Allied Health Faculty and Staff

August 21, 2023 – Schematic Design Kickoff Meeting with all Project Teams (Dining Hall)

October 16, 2023 – Universal Design Workshop #1

November 3, 2023 – Universal Design Workshop #2 & Interior Experience Meeting #1

November 14, 2023 – Campus Community Engagement Session #2 for Massasoit Project Teams and Campus Community presented by DCAMM, Jones Architecture/Studio Luz, Design Consultants

December 15. 2023 – Interior Experience Meeting #2


What’s Upcoming: Stay tuned!


Campus Engagement Sessions

Engagement Session #1:  Over the course of two lunch periods on Wednesday, March 8 and Thursday, March 9, 2023 the design team and administration met with anyone from the campus community who wanted to discuss the upcoming Sciences and Allied Health projects. Boards were arranged through the Dining hall that illustrated the scope of the project and asked questions about four key topics: Site Considerations, Teaching & Learning Spaces, Faculty Spaces, Gathering & Community Spaces. Approximately 125 Students, Faculty, and Staff joined this event and provided their comments while another 25 offered their opinions with the on-line survey. The project team looks forward to engaging further with the campus community as the project continues to develop.


Engagement Session #2:  On Tuesday November 14th, Massasoit organized an event to focus on community & student engagement. Throughout the day the design team and administration met with anyone from the campus community who wanted to discuss the upcoming Science and Allied Health renovation projects. Boards were arranged through the Dining Hall that illustrated the scope of the project and posed questions about four key topics: Gathering & Community Spaces, Student Study & Reflection, Teaching & Learning Spaces, Entrances Wayfinding & Signage. Approximately 70 Students, Faculty, and Staff joined this event and provided their comments while another 20 (so far) offered their opinions with the online survey. The project team looks forward to engaging further with the campus community as the project continues to develop.