Designed for employers seeking professional development for a small number of employees, our Open Enrollment classes fit the bill. Classes are held at Massasoit’s three locations in Canton, Brockton and Middleborough, and at Plymouth Chamber of Commerce, Metro South Chamber of Commerce, and South Shore Chamber of Commerce. Most classes run between 9:00 am – 12:00 pm, or 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm. Some last one day while others meet for four weeks. Open Enrollment classes are offered during Fall, Spring and Summer.

Registration: Employers sign up employee(s) by sending a completed registration form (one per employee) to Steven Litcoff at

Billing: Massasoit invoices employers for tuition. Be sure to complete the Employer Section of the registration form with an authorized signature and title. If you have not done business with us before, please include a copy of your organization’s W-9 with the registration forms.

Please visit for more up-to-date listing of courses available remote/online

Current & Open Enrollment Schedule