Institutional Research
The Office of Institutional Research (IR) at Massasoit Community College is responsible for the collection, analysis, and reporting of official institutional data as required by state and federal agencies, as requested by various constituents within the College, and in response to other external requests for information.
The IR Office provides statistical data on students and graduates, reviewing trends to ensure the quality of programs and services and to meet changing needs. IR tracks student success over time and calculates institutional retention, graduation, and transfer rates as well as for comparative populations. IR administers surveys and conducts studies, often in conjunction with academic departments, support programs, or enrollment/student services offices, and publishes written reports on the results. IR provides data to support the College’s planning, grants, accreditation, and evaluation efforts, also assisting with survey administration and analysis.
About our Students
Student Success
- Retention & Transfer (@1 year, First Time)
- Retention & Transfer (@1 year, ALL New)
- Graduation & Transfer Rates (IPEDS @ 3 & 4 years)
- Success over Time (Outcome Measures @ up to 8 years)
- Measuring Student Success at Massasoit
Academic Programs
- Annual Enrollment Statistics
- Employment of Graduates by Program
- Historical Enrollment by Program
- Historical Graduates by Program
Annual Surveys and Reports
- Graduating Student Survey
- Non-Returning Students (last enrolled prior academic year)
- One Year Follow-Up of Graduates
Recent Reports and Papers
- Academic Program Review (Historical Data Figures & Student Survey Results)
- Ruffalo Noel Levitz Summary Report
- CCSSE (Community College Survey of Student Engagement)
- Emsi Economic Impact Study
- Emsi Program Demand Gap Analysis report